Hair fall is a perfectly normal occurrence for any individual. On the average, each person loses around 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. This is just a regular part of a typical hair’s life cycle. However, if you are noticing excessive hair loss, then it may be something else.
First, it is important to evaluate current circumstances on why you think you are experiencing this. Has there been any significant life changes from your end that may impact you emotionally? Are you suddenly taking on unnecessary amount of stress? Have you started on any kind of medication? The answers to said questions may give you insight on some of the possible reasons that are causing your hair problems.
Second, best to consult a dermatologist to gain a better understanding of your hair issues. A dermatologist has the necessary technical expertise to check the health of your scalp and determine whether your hair problems are a result of a medical condition or not. A hair count test is a quick way to quantify the amount of hair strands lost every single day. Best to have this quantitative perspective before visiting a dermatologist to have a more fruitful discussion. However, if physically collecting and counting the hair you lose every day is an impractical option, then some dermatologists have hair-specific diagnosis tools to check your hair condition.
Third, ask yourself if you have been giving your hair the right form of love. Have you been using harmful chemical products on your hair? Have you considered switching to a healthier and more natural option to your daily hair care needs? At the end of the day, your hair needs to be cared for as well. Maybe all those years exposing your hair to harmful products are finally taking a toll on your scalp. Not to worry though, because all is not too late. Effective treatments for certain types of hair loss are available. You may either reverse hair loss or at least slow its thinning process with the right set of lifestyle choices – switching to healthier hair products, taking the right set of hair vitamins, and having a more happy and stress-free lifestyle.